The School of Blore, jazyková škola Letná 1158/40, 040 01 Košice

The School of Blore, jazyková škola

47 Recenzie
  • štvrtok16–18:50
  • piatokZatvorené
  • sobotaZatvorené
  • nedeľaZatvorené
  • pondelok16–20
  • utorokZatvorené
  • streda16–20

The School of Blore, jazyková škola Letná 1158/40, 040 01 Košice

O podniku

The School of Blore, jazyková škola, Košice | Najlepšia jazyková škola v Košiciach a Cambridge Examination Centre


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Zavolajte nám
Letná 1158/40, 040 01 Košice


  • štvrtok16–18:50
  • piatokZatvorené
  • sobotaZatvorené
  • nedeľaZatvorené
  • pondelok16–20
  • utorokZatvorené
  • streda16–20


  • Bezbariérový vstup
  • Služby na mieste
  • Online lekcie

Odporúčané recenzie

Márius Sabo
The School of Blore, jazyková škola
James is a teacher you want to have. He never judged when somebody made a mistake, but rather encouraged everybody to speak and then corrected them with the right explanation. He just helps people to improve with very pro client oriented approach. Thanks the school of Blore for preparing me for the CAE.
Martin Albert Gbúr
The School of Blore, jazyková škola
The School of Blore is without a doubt the best English language school in Košice, especially if you are planning to take the Cambridge English exams (FCE, CAE...). I had started going there a year before I took the CAE exams in December 2019 and I can tell that James is really experienced in preparing his students for these exams. He knows many useful tips and tricks on how to deal with each part of the exam and he is well-informed about the exam rules. What I liked the most about James's lessons was that everyone was encouraged to speak and that he never judged me when I made a mistake, only kindly corrected me. James's perfect sense of humour is just a bonus and it is something that makes The School of Blore unique.On the day of the exam, everything was well-prepared, went according to schedule James had sent us and there was nothing to surprise me. Highly recommended!
Denis Saniga
The School of Blore, jazyková škola
I attended one of the preparation courses for CAE and did the exam itself in this school. The classes for advanced learners are led by James - an experienced, native-speaking English teacher, who lives in Košice. Giving the impression of a friendly guy next door with a cool sense of humour he is also very professional at what he does. His teaching methods are modern, fun and effective. At the beginning of our course the second wave of lockdown struck and we were forced to continue online. In spite of my initial disappointment from the situation and doubts regarding online lessons James managed to create very good conditions for us and the ultimate outcome was none worse than it would have been face to face.As for the exam, it's not exactly easy but, on the other hand, it's very fair and objective. You can rest assured that they'll measure your English level accurately. What's very important here is to become familiar with the structure of the test and schedule in order to save precious time during the exam. James has prepared us for this (and other aspects) very well, so I could come on the exam day with confidence and minimal stress. So I can recommend this school to anyone who aims for CAE or wishes to get to a higher level in English.
Simona Dermeková
The School of Blore, jazyková škola
I really enjoy our lessons with James. I always leave with great mood and new knowledge. We have funny and interesting group conversations and we discuss various topics. The fact that James is English native speaker and also knows Slovak very well is really helpful with finding the best way to translate even more complicated words. Highly recommend The School of Blore to anyone who wants to improve his/her English.
Matus Dunaj
The School of Blore, jazyková škola
I have been studying English for many years in language schools not only in Košice, but also in England. However, after being made a conditional offer for a masters from the University in London, I had to pass the IELTS with a sufficient score. As I wasn't sure that I would be able to achieve this, I decided to find someone who will help me. When I asked my friends who had passed really well, they didn't hesitate and told me to choose James. I had heard many people talking about him only in superlatives in the past, so I sent him an email and waited for a response.James answered my email immediately and after a few days we agreed on individual classes. We talked about what I wanted to improve, which parts were the most problematic and how he would try to help me. The most problematic parts for me were speaking and writing. It wasn't that I didn't know how to write or say something, but I needed to balance my performance, because my answers were pretty volatile. James taught me how to speak more fluently, write more coherently, and answer all questions without changing the topic. What I liked the most was not only his professional, but also personal approach.After being asked if I would recommend James and his language school I would definitely say yes. Go for it, he is the best in the city. My mom is attending their classes too :). By the way, I passed the exam with even better marks than I needed thanks to James.
Eva Balážiková
The School of Blore, jazyková škola
James has been my first choice for a long time when it comes to choosing a perfect language course for my students. All of them passed their examinations with flying colours and were admitted to excellent schools abroad. It is his special blend of humour and professional approach which makes his course unique and successful. Would definitely recommend :)
Andrej Belej
The School of Blore, jazyková škola
K Jamesovi chodím do kurzu od roka 2019. Odporučila mi ho moja kamarátka s tým, že James je úžasný učiteľ, na ktorého hodiny sa budem tešiť. Napriek tomu, že som mal vďaka jej hodnoteniu relatívne vysoké očakávania, tak James prekonal aj tie. Na každú jednu hodinu som sa tešil - prvýkrát v živote ma začali baviť hodiny angličtiny. V škole (navštevujem bilingválne gymnázium - EGJAK) som bol kedysi najhorší študent ANJ v triede. Bol som niekde medzi B1 a B2. Teraz si idem robiť štátnicu a Cambridgeskú skúšku na úrovni C1. Jamesa bez váhania odporúčam!
Zuzana Fusková
The School of Blore, jazyková škola
K Jazykovej škole Blore som prišla pri hľadaní prípravných kurzov pre IELTS a vecí, ktoré by som vedela vyzdvihnúť je skutočne mnoho. Spoločné hodiny som si veľmi obľúbila, mali príjemnú a zábavnú atmosféru. Ocenila som, že sa na nich veľa konverzovalo a že sme mali aj nejakú tú úlohu na doma každý týždeň - výučba teda nebola obmedzená len na tých 90 minút v triede. Jamesovi som ale hlavne veľmi vďačná za ochotu pracovať so mnou aj individuálne - jednak prostredníctvom emailov, aj mimo kurzu som mu mohla naďalej posielať Writing-y na kontrolu a spätnú väzbu, a taktiež dohodnutím individuálnych hodín, keď som potrebovala precvičiť konverzáciu. Takto som bola schopná sa pripravovať na skúšku aj po skončení kurzu a nakoniec to vytiahnuť na známku 8.5 (C2). Veľkou výhodou určite je, že James je native speaker a tak sme vedeli prebrať mnoho vecí o angličtine nielen z oblasti gramatiky a pravopisu, čo sa mne ako uchádzačovi o miesto na anglických univerzitách nesmierne hodilo. Nakoniec by som vyzdvihla príjemnú, osobnú a priateľskú komunkáciu, s Jamesom rozhodne nemusíte jednať ako s pánom učiteľom" ale kľudne sa nalaďte ako keby ste sa rozprávali so dobrým známym."
František Molnár
The School of Blore, jazyková škola
Veľmi dobrý kurz, určite odporúčam každému, kto si chce zlepšiť komunikáciu alebo gramatiku. Čo sa týka učiteľa, je veľmi milý, vtipný a nápomocný. Pred začiatkom kurzu, je krátky rozhovor s Jamesom (učiteľom) a on Vás podľa neho zaradí do skupiny ľudí s rovnakou úrovňou angličtiny, takže sa vôbec netreba báť, že by ste počas kurzu nikomu nerozumeli alebo naopak nudili sa.Veľka vďaka.
Elizabeth Korzhenko
The School of Blore, jazyková škola
The school is amazing, so is the teacher. I’m so glad I got the chance to prepare for the Cambridge exam with James, as he is a professional. He became our mentor, who always kept us in a good mood and helped us a lot through the whole education process. Thank you James!

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Letná 1158/40, 040 01 Košice
The School of Blore, jazyková škola